evqueue_wfmanager utility

This utility is provided in the pacakge evqueue-utils. It can be used to launch a new instance from the cli. As this command line tool is already documented in its man, we will only give some examples here.

Launching a workflow named backup_files :

user@evqueue:~# evqueue_wfmanger --connect tcp://localhost:5000 --user admin --password admin --launch backup_files

This command will display the instance ID and return immediately. If you want to block until the instance ends :

user@evqueue:~# evqueue_wfmanger --connect tcp://localhost:5000 --user admin --password admin --mode synchronous --launch backup_files

To launch a workflow named uncompress, which takes a parameter named 'filename' :

user@evqueue:~# evqueue_wfmanger --connect tcp://localhost:5000 --user admin --password admin --launch uncompress --filename /tmp/file.gz