
  1. Download the files
  2. Prepare the database
  3. Install evQueue core
  4. Install the web board

Download the files

To install the packaged version, go to the download page and download evQueue core (package), and the web board (package).

Prepare the database

Install MySQL (debian 10)

user@evqueue:~# apt-get install mariadb-server

Create database and user

We have a prepared an init SQL script available here.

Install evQueue core

If you are using debian, using the package is the easiest way to install evQueue core.

user@evqueue:~# dpkg -i evqueue-core_3.0_amd64.deb
user@evqueue:~# apt-get -f install

Answer the questions about MySQL or MariaDB configuration.

You can launch evQueue with :

user@evqueue:~# systemctl start evqueue

See syslogs if everything went well :

user@evqueue:~# tail /var/log/syslog

Install the web board

See instructions in this section.